恒旭此前参与投资汇聚新材的A轮融资,两轮融资相隔不到半年。本轮融资完成后, “汇聚新材”将持续完善产品结构和扩大产能,进一步研发新材料前沿技术,推动MLCC产业的国产化进程。
“汇聚新材”成立于2016年3月,业务涵盖电子陶瓷材料及片式电子元件研发、生产和销售。 主要产品包括多层陶瓷电容(MLCC)、单层芯片电容、穿心电容、射频元件、电子陶瓷材料、电子浆料等。产品广泛应用于工业电子、汽车电子、军工电子以及信息和通信技术等领域。
”汇聚新材”创始人金雷表示,研发与管理团队来自国外业界大厂,且拥有超过20年的实战经验, 既具备结合材料研发(陶瓷粉配方、电子浆料)以及工程技术、组装量产以及提供应用技术服务等垂直整合管理技术,还拥有 “一种低温共烧陶瓷微波与毫米波介电粉末(CN110171963B)”“一种低温烧结陶瓷材料(CN110171972B)”等多项发明专利。
It has been discovered that some entities or individuals maliciously impersonate our company and our employees, and conduct illegal financing through live broadcasts on the internet to profit illegally. Such illegal behavior has seriously damaged our image. We kindly remind you not to believe in information released other than our official channels, official channels of Hengxu Capital include - website: www.hengxucapital.com; WeChat account: Hengxu Capital (ID: Hengxucapital). Our solemn statement:
1.Illegal behavior carried out by anyone who impersonates our company or our employees will be subject to legal action and take legal responsibility for rights infringement, we pursue protecting the legitimate rights and interests of our company and our personnel. Hengxu Capital will not tolerate such illegal activities, we have taken and will continue to take legal action to pursue the legal responsibility of individuals or entities engaged in such illegal activities.
2.Hengxu Capital is a private equity and venture capital fund manager registered with Asset Management Association of China, and conducts business strictly in accordance with relevant regulatory requirements. To avoid losses, we would like to remind investors to be vigilant and invest through legal and legitimate channels, and not believe in false information obtained from non-official channels of Hengxu Capital.
3.Thank you for your kind support and attention. If you find any abnormal identity or information, please contact us for verification in a timely manner. At the same time, we encourage you to actively provide information and report aforementioned illegal activities at +86-21-22016849. Victim is requested to report to local police promptly to protect your own interests, and ensure offenders are held accountable as soon as possible.
Shanghai SAIC Hengxu Capital Co., Ltd.
Aug. 22, 2022